
Alpine Dental & Denture Center


Gum Disease Symptoms and Treatments & How to Keep Gums Healthy!

Gum Disease Symptoms and Treatments & How to Keep Gums Healthy!

Keeping gums and tissues firm, pink, and free of signs of infection requires diligent daily home care and regular professional cleanings. As your trusted Gaithersburg and Kensington periodontists, the team at Alpine Dental & Denture Center knows identifying gum disease early leads to simpler treatments preventing tooth loss over time. Here are key signs to watch for and proven steps for long-term gum protection.

Symptoms of Gingivitis 

Characterized by mild inflammation, gingivitis is the most common reversible stage affecting over 50% of adults worldwide. Tell-tale symptoms include:

– Gums appearing redder or swollen compared to normal color 

– When your Gums bleed or bruise easily while brushing or flossing, and even while eating certain hard foods

– Possible bad breath or bad taste in the mouth due to bacterial plaque buildup

Left unchecked, gingivitis risks advancing to periodontitis through untreated plaque accumulation causing chronic infections below the gumline. However, with daily brushing and flossing at home paired with routine deep cleanings in our office, this precursor stage can readily improve or disappear completely.

Symptoms of Periodontitis

When gingivitis progresses to true bone loss, the condition is called periodontitis. Signs may include:

– Deep pockets or spaces forming between teeth and gums where plaque is hard to reach 

– Gums starting to pull away from teeth, exposing tooth roots 

– Loose or separating teeth 

– Teeth shifting positions or prolonged bleeding from gums

– Abscess formation causing local swelling

Without treatment, periodontitis destroys soft tissues and bone-supporting teeth over many years, eventually forcing extractions if unchecked. This is why seeking our help at the first signs leads to simpler care.

Gum Disease Treatment Options

Depending on disease severity, options may involve non-surgical cleaning root planing to mechanically remove tartar buildup or surgical treatments like:

– Flap surgery lifting gums for thorough deep cleaning and elimination of pocket areas 

– Bone or tissue grafts to reconstruct lost volume 

– Guided tissue regeneration placing barriers to encourage specific cell growth for regeneration

– Antibiotics are sometimes needed when infection is present 

Regular home care and professional maintenance thereon help keep gums fit long-term. Don’t hesitate to ask us about custom rinses and products that meet your oral needs. Together through education and partnership, we protect your beautiful healthy smile for life!

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