
Alpine Dental & Denture Center


Oral Surgery & Extractions

Our dentists provide wisdom tooth removal and tooth extraction services.

Tooth Extractions

Dr. Khan carefully assesses each case to determine the most appropriate approach for preserving the integrity of your smile. While our goal is to avoid tooth extraction whenever possible, there are circumstances where it becomes necessary. Reasons for extraction can range from decay, periodontal disease, or physical trauma to addressing issues like overcrowding or misalignment.

At our practice, we prioritize a conservative approach and explore all available alternatives before considering extraction. However, there are instances where extraction and replacement can provide significant benefits. For example, in cases of severe infection, a tooth extraction may be the best option to ensure the overall health and aesthetics of your smile are safeguarded. We want to assure you that our team will thoroughly discuss all possible alternatives with you, taking into account your specific needs and concerns, to determine the optimal course of action.


What to Expect From a Tooth Extraction

At Alpine Dental and Denture, we strive to create a positive and comfortable environment for every patient. When you visit us for a tooth extraction, you can expect gentle care and a smooth procedure. Here's what you can anticipate during your tooth extraction process, which involves three simple steps:

Administration of Local Anesthetic: Your dentist will begin by applying a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and the surrounding area. This ensures that you won't experience any pain during the extraction. You might feel some pressure, but the procedure should be entirely painless.

Socket Widening: To facilitate a comfortable and efficient removal, your dental professional will gently wiggle the tooth, widening the socket. This step promotes a smoother extraction process. In certain cases, if the socket cannot be expanded properly, the tooth may be divided into smaller sections for easier removal.

Careful Tooth Removal: Once the socket has been adequately widened, your dentist will carefully extract the tooth from its position. This process is performed with precision and attention to detail. After the tooth has been successfully removed, your procedure will be considered complete.

We understand that tooth extraction can be a concern for some patients, but rest assured that our experienced team will ensure your comfort and provide the highest level of care throughout the entire process.

Care After Tooth Removal

After your tooth extraction, it is important to promote blood clot formation for proper healing. Here are guidelines for the next 72 hours:

  • Bite on gauze: Bite down on a gauze pad for 30-45 minutes to allow a blood clot to form.

Avoid the following:

  • Forceful rinsing or spitting
  • Using straws
  • Smoking
  • Eating hard or crunchy foods
  • Engaging in strenuous activities
Tooth Care

By following these steps, you can support a smooth healing process. Contact your dentist if you have any concerns or questions.

Our primary objective is to minimize bleeding and swelling promptly. If you experience any discomfort, you can take prescribed or over-the-counter pain relievers. Applying an ice pack near the extraction site can also help reduce swelling.

Within a few days, you should be able to resume all your regular activities without experiencing any pain. Should you have any questions or concerns during the healing process, please feel free to contact us at any time. We will be available to address your needs.

Even before or immediately after the extraction procedure, we will discuss your tooth replacement options, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the available choices.

Let Us Help You Today

Once the affected tooth is removed, you will have a safer and healthier smile! Call us at Alpine Dental & Denture today to find out which treatment will be most beneficial for you.

Woman In Dentist Chair

In addition to oral surgery and extractions, we also offer simple tooth restoration services such as fillings, sealants, inlays, and onlays, implants, bridges, and crowns, root canals, custom-made dentures, and emergency care services. We offer services in our two convenient locations in Gaithersburg and Kensington, MD.