
Alpine Dental & Denture Center


Choosing Between Partial and Complete Dentures

Choosing Between Partial and Complete Dentures

For those needing tooth replacement, deciding between partial or complete dentures involves considering many factors. As trusted prosthodontists, we aim to provide thorough guidance to help you choose the best solution.

Partial Dentures

– Indicated when some natural teeth remain. This preserves remaining bone and gum tissue that would be lost with extractions for complete dentures. 

– Precision attachments or cast clasps gently grip adjacent teeth. Attachments involve tiny fused metal rings or balls for secure yet comfortable retention. Clasps contour tightly but not excessively to prevent irritation.

– Multiple missing tooth sites can be replaced at once to restore proper biting and appearance function. This improves chewing ability and self-esteem over time.

– Easy removal allows cleaning implants/teeth below as well as periodic denture relines as minor shrinkage occurs in gums. Relines use a soft resilient material to refit denture borders as changes occur.

– May still experience occasional minor hot/cold sensitivity until fully acclimated to wearing the prosthesis. Experienced dentists can adjust or add acrylic in problem zones to reduce sensitivity. 

– Due to natural bone changes over decades, clasp retention may need recalibrating to avoid damage to anchored teeth. Our maintenance appointments help preserve denture service and oral structures.

Complete Dentures

– All natural teeth have been previously removed, so a prosthesis is necessary to avoid functional issues and facilitate speaking/swallowing.

– Dentures rely on slight suction between denture borders and underlying tissues for stabilization instead of tooth anchors. This reduces retention compared to partial dentures.

– Pink premium denture liners or fixatives like denture cream applied daily at borders help combat slippage issues during meals in early adjustment periods. Products like Fixodent work for many patients.

-Precision impressions and try-in visits ensure perfect anatomical borders matching residual ridges that will change over 5+ years. Relines help account for these gradual bone modifications under dentures. 

– With time, the bone will continue to resorb necessitating new dentures ideally every 5-10 years to maintain proper fit depending on individual healing factors.

Our expertise helps personalize the ideal option for meeting your specific dental needs both now and long term. Please ask any other questions!

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