
Alpine Dental & Denture Center


What Really Happens During a Dental Cleaning?

What Really Happens During a Dental Cleaning?

While home care plays a vital role, professional cleanings remain essential to overall oral health through the detection and removal of plaques and tartars that evade brushing and flossing. But what exactly transpires during routine visits hygienists skillfully perform? 

As your trusted dental resource, the team at Alpine Dental & Denture Center in Gaithersburg aims to illuminate the carefully choreographed process maximizing each appointment’s benefits. Understanding techniques empowers patients to actively partner in personalized prevention plans.


Hygienists begin by visually examining teeth, gum lines, and oral tissues, noting any irregularities. Dental mirrors and probes assess hard and soft surfaces identifying areas requiring extra attention.


Selective bitewing or full-mouth images detect subgingival tartars and early cavities imperceptible to the naked eye, aiding treatment planning between physicians.


An ultrasonic scaler vibrating at 32,000-50,000 cycles per minute emulsifies and removes plaque and tartar buildup accumulated along gum lines and below the gum line where brushing cannot reach. Water irrigation keeps surfaces debris-free.


Rubber cup rotary instruments and an assortment of brushes burnish smooth any residual buildup and stains to a high shine, minimizing further entanglements for bacteria. 

Flossing Guidance

Hygienists demonstrate proper flossing techniques patients may not fully grasp to maintain hard-to-access interproximal spaces between contacts effectively at home. 

Fluoride Treatment  

A targeted application of fluoride varnish or gel therapy further strengthens enamel against acid demineralization and decay, providing protective benefits for weeks.

Exam Wrap-Up

The hygienist and physician carefully evaluate post-cleaning X-rays and tissue health, noting any changes from prior exams. An individualized homecare plan targets specific concerns for ongoing balanced oral hygiene.

With thorough cleanings every six months, loyal long-term patients gain lifetime benefits compounding preventive effects. Don’t hesitate to book regular visits optimized through techniques that minimize costly restorative care needs down the road. Partner with Alpine Dental in your commitment to lasting oral wellness!

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