
Alpine Dental & Denture Center


Rockin’ Oral Accessories or Not To!

Rockin’ Oral Accessories or Not To!

Oral jewelry adds flair to expressing individuality, from lip rings to snake bites. And while safety precautions lately minimize initial risks, long-term impacts on teeth require savvy understanding from punk rockers to preppies flashing hardware near chompers. 

As your Grinsburgh grins gurus, the team at Alpine Dental wants you loving looks for years of headbanging or hip-hop dancing without dental drama down the road. So before deciding placement, consider how piercings may affect planned orthodontics, preventative care, or cosmetic fixes keeping pearly whites fierce forever.  

Could Lingual Studs Alter Bite?

Tongue piercing swelling risks biting jewelry post-procedure shifting bites long-term needing adjusting. Heal fully before starting aligners avoiding funky chewing issues later.

Will Lip Rings Foul Fillings?  

Rubbing jewelry risks popping amalgam fillings eventually needing replacing sooner than non-pierced peers. Plastic retainer bars replacing metal minimize friction. 

How Do Dentists Replace Crowns?

 Removing jewelry before procedures prevents cracking new tooth caps yanked by snags. Heal times require patience in popping baubles back sans Sensitivity.  

Do Facial Bars Hamper Hygiene? 

Brushing beneath bars demands dexterity preventing decay under hardware long-run. Our hygienists offer piercing-safe techniques keeping smiles shining with or without accessories!

Could Gums Recede from Snakes?  

Lower-lip snakes biting gums risk recession, slowly exposing vulnerable root surfaces. Bi-yearly cleanings catch early problems minimizing costly grafts for migration corrections later.  

Before flashing grills, ask our professional piercer pals to properly sanitize tools or our dentists to detail jewelry impacts by weighing modification pros & cons of protecting your investments in healthy but stylish grins. 

Express individuality freely, flex the wisdom in maintaining what nature gifted You – Your precious Whites!

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