
Alpine Dental & Denture Center


Sedation Options Reviewed for Removing Your Anxiety on Treatment Days

Sedation Options Reviewed for Removing Your Anxiety on Treatment Days

Fear of dental procedures is extremely common, preventing many from properly caring for their oral health. As your trusted Gaithersburg and Kensington sedation dentists, the team at Alpine Dental & Denture Center understands anxiety is rarely rational, but we refuse to let it compromise your care or quality of life. 

After thorough medical screening, our doctors personalize sedation plans tailored to procedure needs and each patient’s level of apprehension.

Oral Sedation

For mild-moderate anxiety, prescription oral sedation pills taken 1 hour pre-op relax muscles while maintaining conversation abilities. Brand names like Halcion, Versed, and Valium work synergistically with nitrous oxide “laughing gas” administered through a comfortable nasal hood. 

Together they provide light conscious sedation without intubation risks. Effects generally wear off within 3 hours.  

IV Sedation

Patients reporting high dental fear often benefit most from intravenous conscious sedation involving propofol or ketamine. Administered by our on-site anesthesiologist, these IV meds induce a sleepy amnesic state where the body is resting comfortably yet breathing independently without intubation or overnight stay requirements. 

Recovery resembles waking from a deep nap within 1-2 hours.

General Anesthesia

Only rarely is fully “putting a patient under” warranted for dental procedures, typically when extensive oral surgery causes unreasonable distress despite previous tries with conscious options. 

Our certified anesthesiologists meticulously monitor vitals and use muscle relaxants alongside inhaled gasses to render the unconscious state needed for complex interventions while closely averting life-threatening risks.

Other Non-Chemical Options  

For those rejecting chemicals due to personal beliefs, headphones with relaxing music, videos, virtual reality headsets, or guided meditation focusing elsewhere provide non-pharmacological distraction from physical sensations. 

ThermaCare heat wraps placed behind the ears activate acupressure points calming the central nervous system.  

We understand that deeply rooted fears cannot disappear overnight. Our caring team considers your perspective, provides extensive education, and exhausts all gentler options first. 

Working together establishes an atmosphere of empathy, trust, and control putting your well-being first for a lifetime of healthy happy smiles. Schedule consultations to thoroughly discuss which method aligns best with your unique needs.

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