
Alpine Dental & Denture Center


Everything You Need to Know About Dental Cleanings and Exams

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Cleanings and Exams

Routine dental cleanings and check-ups are essential to keep your smile healthy and detect any issues before they become serious. However, it’s common for people to have questions about what happens during these appointments. 

Let’s break down the cleaning and examination process to give you a clear picture, brought to you by the experienced dental team at Alpine Dental & Denture Center.

Cleaning Overview

When you come in for your appointment, our skilled hygienists will start by giving your teeth a thorough cleaning using various tools like ultrasonic scalers, hand instruments, and an air/water syringe. Their main goal is to remove plaque, that sticky film on your teeth housing harmful bacteria. 

While cleaning, our hygienists will also assess the health of your gums, keeping an eye out for signs of recession, pockets, or bleeding, which could indicate early gum disease.

X-Rays and Exam

Digital intraoral X-rays provide insights into areas not visible to the naked eye. Our dentists evaluate the bone level, root structures, untreated decay between teeth, and more. 

They also carefully examine each tooth and surface with an explorer and periodontal probe to measure any spaces forming under the gums where bacteria can accumulate.

What to Expect

Most cleanings last 1-1.5 hours with about 30 minutes of active instrumentation by the hygienist. Expect some tooth sensitivity during and for a short time after as plaque is removed. Don’t forget to schedule follow-up appointments every 6 months to catch any new issues before they become serious – this regular maintenance is key. 

Post-Visit Care

We provide a thorough explanation of effective at-home techniques like modified bass brushing and the most effective flossing form. Use these between visits along with prescribed mouthwashes as directed to reinforce the benefits of your cleanings. 

Sticking to checkups maintains oral wellness for a lifetime of confident, comfortable smiles and optimal systemic health through the prevention of dental problems.

Regular cleanings and exams catch potential problems early. 

Contact Alpine Dental & Denture Center today in Gaithersburg or Kensington to schedule yours with our caring team of dental experts. Your healthy habits do pay off!

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