
Alpine Dental & Denture Center


Periodontal Care

Periodontics, a key aspect of dentistry, focuses on the well-being of structures around the teeth – your gums and bone. Alpine Dental keeps a keen eye on these structures during routine checkups and cleanings. The benefits of good periodontal health include a reduced risk of tooth loss, primarily caused by untreated gum disease, and maintenance of overall oral health, since gums and bones are just as vital as your teeth.

Gum Health

Inadequate oral hygiene often leads to gum disease due to the accumulation of a bacterial film called plaque. Regular brushing and flossing can help control this issue. Good oral hygiene has benefits such as:

Reduced Risk of Tooth Loss, Primarily Caused by Untreated Gum Disease

Avoidance of Gum Irritation and Subsequent Oral Health Issues

Prevent Extreme Gum Recession and Tooth Loss

Gum Health

Periodontic Treatments

Alpine Dental offers various treatments to restore oral health and halt gum disease progression. These treatments include:

Removal of Plaque and Tartar Buildup, Allowing Gums to Heal

Regular Professional Cleanings

Assistance in Refining Oral Hygiene Routines for Better Management of Gum Disease

Regular Check-ups to Enable Early Detection

Along with cleanings and exams, we also offer simple tooth restoration services such as fillings, sealants, inlays, and onlays, implants, bridges, and crowns, root canals, oral surgery procedures, custom-made dentures, and emergency care services. We offer services in our two convenient locations in Gaithersburg and Kensington, MD.